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Los Trece de la Fama.

Esta es la segunda parte del Blog " Paracelso tenía razón" http://drlopezcorbalan.blogspot.com/ Como decía  Fray Luis de León...

jueves, 26 de diciembre de 2019

Cannabinoide JWH 307 detectado en Alemania.

Primera aparición en Alemania del JWH-307 y recurrencia del JWH 018.

Son los cannabinoides sintéticos que forman parte de las hierbas tipo " Spice". Una noticia que no sorprende a nadie puesto que las " hierbas" euforizantes no están  específicamente prohibidas, al emnos  no sometidas a fiscalización.

 El trabajo está  publicado en 

Aquí tienen el artículo en su versión original. 


Herbal smoking blends, available on the German market were analyzed and several known synthetic cannabinoids were identified (JWH-122 and JWH-018).
In addition, we isolated a new active ingredient by silica gel column chromatography and elucidated the structure by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methods. The compound was identified as JWH-307, a synthetic cannabinoid of the phenyl-pyrrole subclass with known in vitro binding affinities for cannabinoid receptors. To date, this is the first appearance of this subclass of cannabimimetics in such products. JWH-307 has been further characterized by gas chromatography accurate mass spectrometry (GC–HRMS), electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MS/MS), ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) spectroscopy.
JWH-018 was among the first compounds banned by many countries world-wide including Germany. The identification of JWH-018 was striking, since this is the first report where JWH-018 recurred on the German market thus violating existing laws.
A generic method was established to quantify synthetic cannabinoids in herbal smoking blends. Quantification was achieved using an isotopically labeled standard (JWH-018-D3). JWH-018 was found at a level of 150 mg/g while JWH-122 and JWH-307 occurred as a mixture at a total level of 232 mg/gP7